Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another test

This entry is being made from an application on the iPhone called blog write lite. It seems to be relatively easy to use and it's nice to have the auto-correcting keyboard to fix my many mistakes. This could be another alternative to the entry method I use for NaNoWriMo.

It's just over a week before I begin my writing in earnest. I've thought about some stuff but haven't yet done any outlining or other specific planning. I ran across the wiki article about Spinal Tap and the backstory they've given the three members of the band. That's what I'd like to do for my story but in a lot more detail ( obviously).

It's also obvious that I'm going to have to do some proofreading to catch some of the errors that do sneak in.

All in all it's going to be a challenge.

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